If you're a parent and your child regularly thinks you're embarrassing, you are doing this whole parenting thing right.

Check out these 10 social media posts about embarrassing parents.

1. If you close your eyes, they'll disappear, right?

2. Whatever you think embarrassed you as a kid will come full circle. Trust me.

3. Dancing in public is fine ... unless your kids are around.

#evyfwp #firstworldproblems #kidproblems #embarrassingparents @buzzfeed @theellenshow

A photo posted by @evyfirstworldprobs on

4. Gotta document all the "firsts".

5. Life is worse when your friends think your parent is funny. It only encourages more outbursts from mom and dad.

True, especially my Mom! #teenagerpost #teens #teenager #embarrassing #embarrassingparents #parents #awkward #friends

A photo posted by outdoorsman (@jamestheoutdoorsman247) on

6. Big sloppy kisses in public are so embarrassing.

Soooo true. When we were all little. #embarrassingparents#lovethem

A photo posted by tomygleason (@princess_lou44) on

7. Please, not in front of my date.

8. Embarrassing or not, he's your ride home.

#dadjokes #dadjoke #embarrassing #embarrassingparents #funny

A photo posted by @gazoomby on

9. When your parents comment on your social media.

10. Not only is this embarrassing, but it's inappropriate. Don't be that parent. Please.

You know who you are! #embarrassingparents #localfootball #kidsfootball

A photo posted by Emma (@madameounce) on

Being involved in your kids' lives is important. Showing you love them in public, though embarrassing, is also important. Just don't be the verbally abusive parent at sports games or anywhere else.

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