One of the major determiners of a child's future success is how well they do in school. Here are some tips to help you put your child on the fast track to academic achievement.
1. Never do anything for a child that they can do for themselves
. Teaching a child responsibility early on will have a great impact on their school work. When we assist too much, we rob the child of the opportunity to feel the rewards of accomplishment. Remember, it's better that a child fail honestly then succeed through someone else's work.
2. Teach your child to love to read
Those that master reading comprehension at a young age have an easier time throughout their entire school career. Start your child reading early. Even infants can develop an interest in books if they are read to regularly. Let your children see how much you enjoy reading, and there's a good chance that they'll begin to enjoy it themselves. Public libraries are a great resource, and best of all, they're free.
3. Help your child memorize math facts
Be very aware that a child's math progress is seriously hampered when they don't have basic facts memorized. Games (such as Monopoly) are a great way to practice math skills while still having fun. There are also many computer math games that require a child to calculate to earn points. Some on-line sites offer free math based games as well.
4. Pay attention to how well your child does on their homework
. Remember, if your child is struggling with their homework, then they are probably struggling in the classroom too. Homework is a refresher, an extra practice to assist with long-term memory, an indicator to the parents what is currently being taught in the classroom, and an opportunity for you to tutor your child before the same subject is addressed the next day at school. Be sure to check your child's homework regularly.
5. Review past tests with your child
. Tests measure growth and show students and parents alike what has been mastered and what needs to be improved. If your child has done poorly, then reviewing tests with them, item by item, can help you locate and address the problem.
6. Focus on progress instead of grades
Even good students will sometimes get bad grades. This is because grades attempt to assign a percentage value to an abstract concept. Focus instead on the progress that your student has made. Doing so will help you and your child get a better feeling for their academic strengths and weaknesses, and it will motivate your child to focus on their learning.
7. Support your child's teacher
Being a teacher isn't easy. It requires long hours, minimal pay, and constant second guessing from parents. This may come as a surprise, but the way your child behaves at home may not necessarily be consistent with the way he or she behaves in class. It's natural for a parent to want to defend their child, but you should never try to bully a teacher into giving your child special treatment. If you have disagreements with a teacher, discuss them with the teacher privately. You won't be doing your child any favors if you're constantly excusing or justifying bad behavior for them. If your child believes you don't respect a teacher, neither will the child and their learning will suffer.
- Encourage friendships by teaching your child to be kind to everyone.School is more than just a place to learn facts; schools also teach valuable lessons about how to behave in a social environment. Make it a priority for your child to spend time with others his or her own age. Teach your child to respect the beliefs and feelings of others, and to be nice. Friendships that are formed during a child's school years can become some of the strongest and longest lasting of their lives. Additionally, good friends can help encourage a child to do better academically.
9. Make sure your child is alert and well rested
Start the bedtime process one hour before you expect your child to be asleep. Let them help choose healthy food for their meals, and make sure that they bathe daily. Thinking requires energy, and good nutrition and rest are the keys to getting the most out of class.
10. Help them see the bigger picture
Your child's future begins with you. Talk to your child about their strengths and desires. Encourage them to prepare for life by doing all they can today.