Raising children can be difficult at times, especially when those adorable little tykes have a tendency to throw excruciatingly long tantrums.

Usually methods that some parents use can sooth and calm children easily, here are some suggestions to consider when you are looking to relax your little tot before they blow.

1. My personal tip

I have babysat plenty of children in the past and this is one technique that never fails to calm an upset child. Take your little one into the bathroom, set them on the counter and let her cry. Run a small towel under luke warm water and gently wipe the tears on her face while using soothing words or softly shushing her. This method has never let me down. Give it a go and see if it will cool down that tantrum.

2. Create a diversion

I normally use this method as a last resort, but creating a diversion never fails to sway a child's tantrum in a different direction. Children become easily focused on other sources of entertainment or bribery you offer them, and may forget what they became upset over in the first place. Therefore, offering your little one a cookie might be an effective remedy to the situation.

3. Create an idealistic punishment

Nobody enjoys yelling, in fact, when your child is throwing a tantrum, he is seeking attention, and you are giving him eactly what he wants by yelling. Establishing a consistent response to your child's tantrum is another key in conquering those intense moments of anger. If you warn your child that punishment will follow if they throw a tantrum, be true to your word and follow through if they continue to scream. Having a negative consequence is a healthy way to show her you won't tolerate that behavior.

4. Holding and swaying

Holding your child insinuates protection and swaying creates a rhythm they are accustomed to and allows them to feel comforted. Sometimes children throw tantrums because they need physical touch and reassurance of your love.

5. Leaving the room

No matter where you are, there is bound to be something affecting your child. Anything can set them off, especially if they are constantly in the same environment. If something makes him upset, change his environment and remove him from the room. Children have very short attention spans at a young age, and changing your little one's environment may come in handy when you're trying to stop the tears.

6. Isolate your child

This also serves as another method of punishment. Nothing works better than a classic time-out in the corner. This is an effective strategy as long as you put your child in a position where they cannot associate with anyone so they can contemplate their actions.

7. Provide choices

If your child is crying over something you told them they could not have, give them a list of alternatives. For example, saying no to the ice cream truck, but offering them a different dessert later in the evening is a healthy way to present alternatives to your child, while also showing them the word "no" is not always a bad answer.

8. Share a laugh

A sincere laugh can cure anything.

9. Allow the unallowed

Taking out a object that is distracting enough is a quick way to quiet a tantrum. Perhaps your car keys are foreign to your child, and by taking them out, he will be distracted them from whatever was making him upset. Just remember to offer your child something that is usually forbidden or new to him, otherwise it defeats the purpose.

10. Create a place of terror

I know this sounds cruel, but this method is very effective. My mother used this method while I was growing up and I almost never threw a tantrum. My mother would whisper the words, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" to me whenever I was making a fuss. These words eventually made me believe going to the bathroom when I was upset would end in some form of punishment. After a while, every time my mom would whisper those words in my ear while I was upset, I always knew she meant business and I needed to hush.

Regardless of the method you use, it is important to establish that you are the one with the authority in your home. You lead your child, and not the other way around.

Remember, as long as you use a healthy system of cause and effect with your child, it will pay off in the long run and you won't have to hear those daily tantrums anymore.

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