To all the moms (and dads) who think they are the only ones sneaking bites from their toddler's cold lunch, or who just found yesterday's toast still sitting in the toaster - you are soooooo not alone.

1. So, what did you have for breakfast?

2. Celebrity or not, it's a mom thing

3. Pretty much

4. At least someone gets to eat like a king

5. Can't wait to see what's for lunch on day 1,507

6. Soggy cereal's a parent's favorite

7. Purse snacks for the win

8. The Dark Side of parenting

Parenting, in a nutshell. #starwars #momlife #iwasgoingtoeatthat #momdiet

A photo posted by Amanda Lund (@ajlundwriter) on

9. Hide and seek becomes all too real when pudding is involved

10. "What are you eating?! I want some!"

11. Because you are not sharing

12. Cold lasagna is a delicacy

13. "I only like the frosting"

#momdiet the leftover bits of donuts the boys don't want

A photo posted by ashley (@calypso722) on

Here's to sneaking treats during nap time, pouring yourself a glass of milk to go with those graham cracker crumbs and finding lunch at the bottom of your purse. Enjoy your #momdiet while it lasts!

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