Parenting requires a set of skills unlike any other job. And, to top it off, kids are completely unpredictable and you have to be prepared for the unexpected at all times.
These posts sum up the crazy sides of parenting that definitely would not show up on the cover of a magazine.
1. When you wonder if your kids need to see the eye doctor, or if you just have magical powers
2. When simple tasks become dangerous
3. Eating shouldn't be this hard
4. So many "I told you so" moments
5. Perfect family pictures don't happen (do they even exist?)
6. It never ends
7. Your new normal
8. Small things bring happiness
9. So much energy until you actually need them to have some
10. Well, it couldn't all be good news
11. Need something clogged? Let your kids come up with a new fancy way to get it done!
12. When you realize your kids are just like you
13. Sigh. It's like having a tornado following you everywhere
14. When you might rest, but you don't actually sleep
15. Completely harmless, I'm sure ..
Parenthood will make you say things you'd never think of saying, see things you never wanted to see, and clean up things no person should ever have to clean. But, if you have the right sense of humor, it's totally worth it.
What shocking things have your kids said or done?