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A cute little baby in a straw basket. The baby is using the flag pattern as a blanket and has a blue background.

American voters are unhappy with their options for the next president.

Both sides of the political spectrum have found themselves worried about the ongoing election cycle. Republican voters, for example, dislike many of their candidates, including the front runner, Donald Trump. In fact, according to FiveThirtyEight, only 49 percent of Republican voters would be satisfied with Trump as the GOP nominee.

Even so, fellow GOP candidates Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz aren't favored that much more.

"On average, just 49 percent of these actual Republican voters said they'd be satisfied with Trump," FiveThirtyEight reported. "The numbers for the other two candidates were better, but not by much: 53 percent of voters said they'd be satisfied with Rubio, and 51 percent with Cruz."

Meanwhile, Democratic voters have been split this election cycle over their two candidates, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. According to The Associated Press, both candidates have drawn different demographics. Sanders has conjured a lot of the youth vote, while Clinton has taken in some of the older voters.

So, yeah, there's a pretty big divide between the two parties. At this stage, a third-party candidate is unlikely to rise up. But this wasn't always the case. America used to be filled with other parties besides the Democrats and Republicans.

In fact, the last president who didn't identify with a donkey or an elephant was Millard Fillmore, who was a member of the Whig Party. Former presidents William Henry Harrison, John Tyler and Zachary Taylor were also members of the Whig party.

But times have since changed. In both politics and lives at home.

To give you a little dose of what life was like back in Fillmore's era, here's a glance at the 1850s (he served from 1850 to 1853). Let's take a look at the coolest baby names from Fillmore's time, which come to us from a Nameberry list of popular names before 1850. You'll notice many of them are still popular today.

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