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1. The system is a bit sluggish

Why is it so slow? Repost from @kapowder #punsforyou #puns #lol #funny #snail #snailmail

A photo posted by PUNS (@puns_for_you) on

2. I'll admit — it's cheesy

This puns a bit cheesy even for me! #pun #puns #punny #funny #punpunpun #punsfodays

A photo posted by Puns Every Day (@punsfodays) on

3. Somebody get the hare net

Excuse me

A photo posted by Punsworld™ (@punsworld) on

4. Dishing out puns

5. At least it's not board

Woodnt be nice if it was summer already

A photo posted by Puns On The Ding Dong Daily (@punsonthedaily) on

6. When you're vegetarian but you miss bacon

Idk about the eggs, but here's the green ham.

A photo posted by All Original Puns (@morris_less) on

7. Sparks are bound to fly with at least one of them

8. This one has me rollin'

9. London Bridge is on its way too


A photo posted by ?Funny Puns? (@punswor.ld) on

10. There's room on that counter for both of them

11. And a roll on a napkin

12. He must have broken his legs

13. You'd better lettuce check

14. They say I'm not ripe for you, but I'll still ketchup

15. It's better than regular rap water

16. That's not as humerus as it could have been

#pun #puns

A photo posted by Puns Are Awesome (@punsareawesome) on

17. At least he got to keep his own case

A photo posted by @awesome__puns on

18. Maybe All can Gain some Xtra sales now

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