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Halloween is right around the corner, and with a new baby in the house it might be hard to find time to come up with a darling costume for your little one. Luckily for you, here are 20 easy costumes you can dress your baby in this Halloween!

1. Twinkle twinkle little star ...

2. Sweet little Wonder Woman

I know it's not food related, but sometimes I want to eat her. So that counts.

A post shared by Erin MacGregor (@erin.macgregor) on

3. Classic Cookie Monster

Happy Halloween! #nixonjohnparker #babyhalloweencostume #firsthalloween #cookiemonster #11monthsold @roycesihlisphoto

A post shared by Nicole Sihlis (Owner) (@createdlovelyevents) on

4. Little tiny chicken

5. This dinosaur needs a nap

Is it too early to be excited for Halloween?? ?

A post shared by ?Elyse (@jubilantbabyinc) on

6. Warm and adorable

7. Baby witch

8. Perfect for twins

9. Baby Charlie Brown

10. A fabulous mermaid

She wasnt a fan of Halloween ? #littlemermaid #mermaid #halloween #babyhalloweencostume #3months

A post shared by Jovahnni Aubrie Gordon (@fatallypalebarbie) on

11. Darling sock monkey

12. Mommy's little angel

13. Cute AND easy to DIY

Coming out of my Instagram hiatus just in time to share Siena's look for today's festivities. ?✨? #babyhalloween

A post shared by Alexandra Nieto (@_alexandranieto) on

14. Oh deer

Do - a deer, a female deer. #selahrose #firsthalloween #babyrichard #babyhalloween

A post shared by jaxrichard (@jaxrichard) on

15. Cutest pumpkin in the patch

16. Not-so-scary scarecrow

17. Baby grandma

18. Two peas in a pod

19. Can't forget the classic Mickey

Luca and his loot - or should I say, our loot? One of the many benefits of having kids. #babyhalloween #lucabenjaminj

A post shared by Nicia Sanelli Johnson (@nicibaby) on

20. The eyebrows!!!

Muero de amor !!!! #halloween #babyhalloween

A post shared by Little Things (@littlethingsdgo) on

Hopefully these pictures inspired you to come up with some awesome ideas for your baby's costume this year ... we hope you have a lovely, fun and safe Halloween!

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