We always hear pregnancy described as beautiful and wonderful. But, mostly it's just not that glamorous (and crazier than you can fathom).
Here are twenty pregnancy memes that keep it real.
1. The last month of pregnancy is always longer than the other eight
2. Not to mention, pants don't even fit properly
3. With the lack of room in your abdomen, you get full quickly, but are hungry soon after
4. The constant battle between starvation and nausea
5. Getting pretty toes is a real feat
6. If the shirt fits, it's mine now
7. Growing a human requires constant vigilant eating
8. When you wonder if you're growing a human or an alien. Or if you're about to reenact that scene from "Spaceballs"
9. Nope. Pretty is not the word that comes to mind
10. It's best to not bring it up
11. I may have uttered "I love drugs" when the epidural kicked in. My husband said to not say that around the kids
12. A how-to video would really help. Or a yoga in the shower with a beach ball video could work, too
13. The lack of buttons and zippers also helps during those "pee-mergencies"
14. Being pregnant and getting out of bed should be an Olympic sport
15. It's a never ending struggle
16. If Dr. Seuss wrote a pregnancy book
17. Spills are unavoidable. Just wear a bunch of napkins
18. Are you growing a baby or a heater?
19. No greater pregnancy truths
20. If you can't even see your toes, how in the world can you pick something up off the floor?
Pregnancy is not easy. But at least it gives us lots of reasons to laugh. Later. When you're not pregnant anymore. Meanwhile, go have some chocolate. Or a donut. Basically, whatever the baby wants to eat.