This is Laura Mazza. She's a sassy blogger and mom to two kids.

And when it comes to preparing for a new baby, she's got a few hilarious points. Here are her21 tips on getting ready to be a mom:

1. Set an alarm for every two hours. The alarm has to be loud enough for your neighbour to hear and it has to be high pitch and repetitive.

2. Let the alarm go off for one hour and run around your house hysterical. If at night, make sure to fall asleep 10 minutes before the alarm goes off again.

3. Wake up at 4am.

4. Dress yourself, then pour milk on yourself

5. Soak your bed in milk

6. Spray milk on your chest in two patches

7. Don't shower

8. Shower once after 8 days and turn off and on the water. Get out once you have put shampoo in your hair

9. Stop brushing your teeth

10. Go to bed at 8, but stay awake until 1am, if anyone asks tell them you're trying to have some me time.

11. Eat food one handed

12. Make sure it's cold

13. Make 20 cups of coffee. Don't drink any of them.

14. Go for a walk with a pram, pretend you're invisible and encourage people to only talk about and to your pram.

15. When someone asks you "how's things?" Just talk about poo and sleep.

16. Cry. A lot.

21 tips on how to prepare for a baby:

1. Set an alarm for every two hours. The alarm has to be loud enough for your...

Posted by Laura Mazza - Mum on the Run on Tuesday, September 12, 2017

17. Get wireless internet so you can google everything, practice googling "reflux, colic, why isn't my baby sleeping, why does my baby hate me, how do I put my baby back in my uterus?"

18. Eat cake, nothing but cake

19. Ask people for advice on everything, tell them to get really extensive with it and condescending.

20. Wake up in the middle of the night confused and scream "where's the baby?"

21. Watch your partner sleep and imagine shoving a stick into his snoring mouth. Hate him... The more you ignore or yell the better it'll be for him when the baby comes - if he looks confused... you are ready.

Good luck! And enjoy future mummas. May the force be with you.

Her viral post had more than 19,000 comments on it. Some people were upset at her satire, while others chimed in with additional points.

"Also stop doing any kind of housework for a while. Throw random bits of laundry around the house and a few boxes of breast pads and nappies everywhere just so you can get the hang of stepping over things," writes one woman.

Another adds, "You forgot rocking constantly from side to side in the checkout line while holding a loaf of bread."

Would you add anything to Laura's list?

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