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It is getting close to baby time and the nerves are controlling your every thought. You don't think you have enough of anything: diapers, clothes, baby blankets, formula, there is just so much!

Honey, have you taken a second to breath?

Read these 21 quotes about the joy your child is going to give you and watch your nerves fade away.

So true #babyquotes #repost

A photo posted by Cuddly.Baby (@cuddly.baby) on

There are only 940 saturdays between your child's birth and the day they leave for college #friday  #momquotes #babyquotes

A photo posted by Birds&Bees Baby Store (@birdsnbeesbaby) on

#Baby from the inside. #Cuutiebaby #UK #cutebaby #mums #mom #quotes #babyquotes #instababy #babyboy #babygirl

A photo posted by Cuutie Baby Shoes (@cuutiebaby) on

??? #babyquotes #BabyFeet #BabyFever #BabyKing #LoveBeingUntie #Lovelife #AndItsBeauties

A photo posted by King Evans ? (@_my_name_is_king_) on

'Double tap' if you agree. #quoteoftheday #parentingquotes #babyquotes

A photo posted by Babyleggings.com (@babyleggings) on

#majo #mybaby #babyquotes

A photo posted by ?n a n??? (@nanviverosnogueira) on

#memolamoments #childhood #motherhood #love #loveofmylife #babylife #baby #craddle #welovekids #children #babyquotes

A photo posted by Memola (@memola.international) on


A photo posted by Callie Black Photography (@callieblackphotography) on

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