When your favorite articles of clothing get old, dirty, and covered in stains, it feels like there's nothing you can do to save them. Before you throw them out, check out these 25 awesome clothing hacks that will save your favorite clothes.

1. After ironing your clothes, give them a minute or two to cool down before you put them on

2. Rub shaving cream into the collar of your clothes to get makeup stains out

3. Use white bread to get out lipstick stains

4. Bread will also get dirt stains out of suede shoes

5. Magic Erasers will get stains out of your shoes like magic

6. Nail polish remover also works wonders on shoes

7. Spray your clothes with lemon juice and water to get sweaty stains out before you wash

8. Wrap wet clothes in a towel and squeeze them to reduce drying time

9. Use a safety pin to put a drawstring back in place

10. Unshrink a sweater by soaking it in warm water and conditioner

11. Use vinegar to keep your dark wash jeans dark

12. Freeze gum you've sat on and then scrape it off with a knife

13. Use clear nail polish on the threads through a button to keep it from falling off

14. Can't button up those pants? Use a really strong rubber band

15. Use a razor to get rid of cloth pills on your clothes

16. The best way to tuck jeans into your boots

17. Use baby wipes to remove deodorant marks

18. Use a bar of soap to remove softener stains

19. Put pool noodles in your boots to keep them upright

20. Roll your clothes to fit more in your drawers

21. The right way to fold a fitted sheet

22. Put dry tea bags in smelly shoes and they will absorb the odor

23. Use shower hooks to hang scarves

24. Use a crayon to get a stuck zipper unstuck

25. An all-encompassing stain removal guide

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