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The joys and misery of pregnancy. Growing a human inside your body is not for the weak.

Can you relate to these pregnancy memes?

1. You just wear whatever fits

So very true!???? #pregnantlife #thirdtrimester #babygirl #babylove #funny #pregnancymemes #pregnacyhumor #truthbetold #blogger

A post shared by Nisa Burns Cochran (@kitchenability) on

2. Waddle? No. It's how we swagger

3. Glowing? Um, no.

4. Mmm. Midnight snack of calcium

5. More like building a nest on the couch

6. The last trimester is the longest one. Not mathematically, but emotionally and physically

Come on baby girl! Mommy is ready for you!❤️ #Almost #Pregnant #mommytobe #readytogo #comeonbaby #pregnancymemes #funny #lol

A post shared by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.?MACDADDYSTEF (@xostefaniebby) on

7. As if anyone has actual control over when their baby comes

8. Same problem post-pregnancy

Sums it up! #fatty #15weekspregnant #pregnancymemes

A post shared by Jade Cadle ? (@jade.darcyx) on

9. Makes you wonder

10. What's yours is mine

Yup. Sorry babe! @dmkirschner #preggo #preggoproblems #shirtstealer #pregnancymemes #21weekspregnant

A post shared by Karmin (@karmin_kirschner) on

11. Burst of energy? Nah, just want to nap

12. Never will you feel so helpless as when you're on your back with a belly full of baby

13. Suddenly not important

#pregnant #pregnancy #bump #meme #tootrue #pregnantmom #pregnantlife #pregnancymemes

A post shared by @rosie_leigh_22 on

14. Pregnancy is only fast for those who are not currently pregnant

Haha ?? truth! #18weekspregnant #2ndtrimester #pregnancymemes #pregnancystruggles #sophiecottrillfitness #wednesdaymorning

A post shared by Sophie Cottrill Fitness (@scfitnesschick) on

15. We can't be held responsible for those pregnancy hormones

Pretty much explains it lol #pregnancymemes #pregnant #pregnancyproblems #pregnancyhormones #moods #beingpregnant

A post shared by Molly Reed (@latinachic1234) on

16. Seems like an obvious answer

Pretty much everyday when I go into work ? #pregnancymemes

A post shared by Melanie (@_mel.a.nie._) on

17. That moment when you're past your due date

18. You want your baby to move, but ... ouch!

19. It's like the baby wants you to gain weight

Everyday struggles #pregnant #pregnancymemes #cake

A post shared by Christina (@ctinarb) on

20. True story

So true haha ? #pregnancy #funny #pregnancymemes #funnymemes

A post shared by Poddle Pod UK (@poddle_pod) on

21. Sleep while you can, they say. Riiiight.

#pregnancymemes #pregnancyjourney #thirdtrimester #28weekspregnant ???

A post shared by Cherry Carongoy Standridge (@cherryrosemc) on

22. Maybe the glow comes from sweating?

#pregnancymemes #storyofmylife #diariesofapregnantlady

A post shared by Victoria Love (@sir.archer.and.the.red.lioncub) on

23. A superhero who struggles to keep the same outfit for very long

24. Perfectly sums it up

25. Pregnancy weight gain be like:


A post shared by Sandra Di Gavero (@sandralynn_14) on

All you pregnant mammas, hang in there. You got this. All the pregnancy weirdness will eventually be worth it.

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