The joys and misery of pregnancy. Growing a human inside your body is not for the weak.
Can you relate to these pregnancy memes?
1. You just wear whatever fits
2. Waddle? No. It's how we swagger
3. Glowing? Um, no.
4. Mmm. Midnight snack of calcium
5. More like building a nest on the couch
6. The last trimester is the longest one. Not mathematically, but emotionally and physically
7. As if anyone has actual control over when their baby comes
8. Same problem post-pregnancy
9. Makes you wonder
10. What's yours is mine
11. Burst of energy? Nah, just want to nap
12. Never will you feel so helpless as when you're on your back with a belly full of baby
13. Suddenly not important
14. Pregnancy is only fast for those who are not currently pregnant
15. We can't be held responsible for those pregnancy hormones
16. Seems like an obvious answer
17. That moment when you're past your due date
18. You want your baby to move, but ... ouch!
19. It's like the baby wants you to gain weight
20. True story
21. Sleep while you can, they say. Riiiight.
22. Maybe the glow comes from sweating?
23. A superhero who struggles to keep the same outfit for very long
24. Perfectly sums it up
25. Pregnancy weight gain be like:
All you pregnant mammas, hang in there. You got this. All the pregnancy weirdness will eventually be worth it.