Being a parent is an exciting experience. The first time your baby holds your finger; their first steps, and first words, are a joy that you must experience to believe. Parenting presents a combination of steep learning curves and dire consequences. It is both challenging and rewarding.
But, there are many hindrances that don't let you fully immerse yourselves in the affair. A few mental blocks that might be preventing you from enjoying your parenting journey include:
1. Exhaustion
Being a parent can be an exhausting experience. There will be times when you reach your physical limit. The more threatening aspect, however, is mental exhaustion. If your baby is always crying, troubling you to eat, or simply refusing to sleep, you will be at your wits end. It will prevent you from enjoying time with your child.
To prevent this from becoming a common occurrence, take a break. If your baby is screaming, put her down, go out of the room and take a few deep breaths. Try and get someone to help, share babysitting duties with your spouse and avoid getting bogged down too often.
2. Not having alone time
It seems inconceivable that you could part company with your precious child even for a minute; for fear that something might happen to them. But it can be even worse for the baby if you're not giving them your full undivided attention. Make sure to try and steal some time for yourself. Have your spouse, mother, or any other responsible family member take care of your child for a few hours. Use the time to do something you like- read a book, watch a movie and re-energize yourself.
3. Being overprotective
Where there's a baby, there is bound to be an overprotective parent. Parents can become so obsessed with the idea of keeping their child safe that it can be the only thing that occupies their minds.
In the long run, this can turn into a parenting problem. While it is important that you take all the safety precautions possible, you should trust yourself in making the right choice for your baby. No one cares for a child more than the parents, and as long as you're being attentive, your baby will be okay.
4. Forgetting the bigger picture
If you're getting bogged down with the monotonous daily routines that come with being a parent, you've got a problem. It is possible to focus so much on the boring details of parenting routines that you're missing the bigger picture. Children are the most significant impression a person can hope to leave on the world. They are a reflection not only of our physical characteristics but also embody our spirit. In the most difficult of situations, it's good to remind yourself of how much you love your child and everything they represent.
5. Not enjoying the small joys
No one is debating just how unpredictable parenting can be. However, the biggest mental block is not enjoying every little victory. If you manage to stop your baby from crying for a few hours, reward yourself with your favorite fast food meal. For every situation you encounter, dreary as it might seem, look for the silver lining, and, if there isn't one, invent one.Great