As a new parent with a two-year-old, being kind to my child today is pretty easy. A few crackers here, or playing with him for a few minutes there easily does the trick.
In making this list, however, I thought about the future and considered what I could do today that would make my child happy tomorrow. What could I teach him now, while he's young, that will help him in his life as he gets older?

While no two parenting styles are the same, there are certain ethics and abilities that most parents would agree are important to teach. I hope to teach my child a few of these early on, so that he will know that his parents loved him enough to show him how to be happy.

Here is a list of 51 things you can do for your child to let him or her know that you care:

  1. Make their favorite meal.
  2. Make them a special snack.
  3. Surprise them with a gift.
  4. Teach them about money.
  5. Teach them how to work.
  6. Teach them to respect others.
  7. Teach them creativity.
  8. Teach them the importance of honesty.
  9. Feed them a healthy diet.
  10. Teach them how to express love.
  11. Encourage them.
  12. Be there to cheer them on.
  13. Be there to put a Band-Aid on their hurts.
  14. Be there to listen about their day.
  15. Be there to help them with homework.
  16. Hang up your phone when you're spending time with them.
  17. Help them with a school project.
  18. Host a birthday party for them.
  19. Have a water fight with them.
  20. Participate in athletic events with them.
  21. Teach them how to perform service.
  22. Teach them how to be charitable.
  23. Teach them how to read well.
  24. Celebrate their successes.
  25. Help them find and develop their strengths.
  26. Teach them to be forgiving.
  27. Teach them about their ancestors/culture.
  28. Leave them a nice note in their lunchbox.
  29. Leave a piece of candy in their shoe.
  30. Play a game with them.
  31. Smile when you're around them.
  32. Help them open a savings account.
  33. Go fly a kite with them.
  34. Make a fort with them.
  35. Make a snowman with them.
  36. Teach them how to ride a bike.
  37. Let them be silly.
  38. Teach them to be positive.
  39. Pay them a compliment.
  40. Teach them teamwork.
  41. Take them on a picnic.
  42. Let them invite a friend on the family outing.
  43. Teach them to be understanding with others.
  44. Help them set goals.
  45. Teach them gratitude.
  46. Stop your current task to help them when they need it.
  47. Skip watching a television show to play Frisbee with them.
  48. Teach them how to throw a ball.
  49. Take them on a special outing.
  50. Teach them how to be polite.
  51. Let them help you around the house.

Teaching our children how to be happy is a long and involved process. Mostly, it requires time, effort, and unconditional love. Always remember, if you're child knows how much you care about him, then he will be more willing to trust you and your advice. What do you to help teach your children how to be happy?

Want more great ideas? Check out Powerful ways to show your children love.

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