As you have been bombarded with new challenges, you may have unintentionally put your parent's on the back burner. It is expected that life will get crazy - welcome to adulthood - but forgetting your parents is not the right change to make your life less hectic.

Maintaining the bond between parent and adult child can be just as hard on your parents as it was when you were a teenager. They aren't sure how much they should nag, when they can call or how to help you.

Do your part and refrain from doing these 6 things adult children do that destroy their parents:

1. You don't call

In this day in age people post more about their life on Instagram and Facebook than anything else. Especially with the hustle and bustle each day brings, you make excuses as to why you don't have time to give your parents a 5-minute phone call, but you can spend an hour and a half scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed.

There is no excuse large enough to justify not calling your parents. Yes, they should call their children as well, but they do not know your schedule and would hate to bother you at the wrong time. They understand your life is full and do not want to cause a problem. This is why you need to make the call. Even if it is a short call asking how they have been and sharing what funny comment your 3-year-old made today, they will love it. It's all they are really asking for.

2. You never say "thank you"

Too often you get so used to your parents doing kind things for you, expecting nothing in return, that you literally give them nothing back. You forget to say thank you, tell them you love them or show them how much you care.

Your parents raised you to appreciate what you have been given and thank those who have made an influence in your life. Well, who better to thank than your very own parents?

3. You forget to include them

Even if you know they won't be able to make it, invite them. Birthday parties, holidays, baptisms, concerts, sports events, whatever it may be, send them an invitation.

Let them be a part of your family's special day, and when they return the favor and invite you over for dinner, try to adjust your schedule so that you can attend just as you hoped they would.

4. You don't ask for help

Even if Google can give you the answer to even the toughest of questions, use your mother instead. Knowing that she has helped you in some way will make her happier than you may realize.

In fact, she will likely return the favor and call you for help if she needs it knowing that you aren't afraid to do the same. This can strengthen your new relationship as circumstances have changed and you are on your own.

5. You don't communicate what bothers you

You love your parents, but sometimes their nagging and need to give advice all the time makes you irritable. Instead of giving them the silent treatment or choosing to slowly cut them out of your life, tell them.

Your parents are tough people; they can handle the truth. Tell them how you are feeling and offer a solution to fix the contention. You may be surprised how understanding they are.

6. You don't give them independence

When you turn to your parents to fix every little thing, all you are doing is letting them know that you are incapable of doing anything by yourself. This can make your parents think that they raised you wrong.

If you call your dad to fix the repairs of the house, rather than asking your spouse, or you assume your parents can babysit every Friday night, you are not helping them. Sure they want to feel needed, but they don't want to feel required or essential for your everyday happiness. They deserve their freedom too.

Let your parents feel welcome in your life. Even the smallest of gestures can make a great impact. Show love and honor through your actions, and they will do the same.

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