There are many benefits to being organized. By keeping organized, you will save time looking for things and have more time to work on essential tasks. It can also reduce your stress level. If items are organized and labeled neatly, tracking things down will be a piece of cake rather than a source of stress. Also, you can be on time consistently. Organization and punctuality go together. Doing this will ensure you do the things you need to do, on time. When it comes to back-to-school, being organized is so important. It can be the difference between your child having the assignment they need or losing it in the clutter. It can also be the difference between being on time and being late. Here are seven genius back-t0-school organization tips for parents.
Create a Homework Caddy
This can a very inexpensive craft project that will get your kids into the idea of organizing and recycling at the same. Pull together some empty cartons, toilet paper rolls, and duct tape and begin crafting your homework caddy. Another thing that works if you’re going in the DIY direction is using cereal, granola, and pasta boxes. Make the caddy with your kids and encourage them to keep all their supplies in one place. You can also purchase a caddy and have your children place their assignments, along with paper, pencil, pens, and other necessary items in that one place.
Pack a car organizer
Another great organization idea to implement is a car organizer with everything your child needs in the morning, including grab n’ go breakfast. This will help you, especially when the morning is busy and you’re running behind. You can fill it with everything from your hairbrush, hair gel, baby wipes for messy faces, hand sanitizer, water bottles, and grab n’ go breakfast options like protein-filled granola bars. You can hang one in front of each child’s seat to finish grooming or eating in the car before you guys get to the drop-off line.
Add emergency money to your child’s lunch account.
Your child will forget their lunch money. It is inevitable. Instead of having to rush home to grab it or being stuck without cash to hand them in the drop offline, you can always add $10 to $20 to their lunch account at the beginning of the school year. This way, they will be prepared when this happens. You can also store some extra cash in a private compartment in their backpack. This way, they know that if they can’t find their money, there is a place for them to go during this emergency moment.
Create a commander center.
Trying to commit one schedule strictly to memory is a huge feat. Having to commit a while family’s schedule requires an even greater deal of effort. One great way to get a hand on your children’s school curricula, activities, chores, and more, consider creating a command center, based on their needs. This will be a place to include paper, a small bowl for stray paper clips, a corkboard for notes, and other miscellaneous school-related items. Keeping it in the kitchen helps prevent any paper clutter that typically piles up in the area.
Add backpack hooks to your wall.
Another solution to nip after-school clutter in the bud is to set up backpack organization stations. Begin by designating a hook for each child’s backpack. Doing this will shift your kids’ habits of leaving their backpacks scattered around the house. You can also leave them in charge of putting away their lunch box, water bottle, and homework. This will help keep them responsible and organized at the same time.
Make sure you have a morning routine.
As the lazy, unstructured days of summer come to an end, it’s important to ease your child back into a school schedule by shifting their bedtime back to a school-day bedtime and waking them up closer to the hour they’ll need to get up.
It’s also helpful to have a morning routine run-through. The week before school starts, start getting your child up, dressed, and fed while you would on a school day. Both you and your child will benefit from a few practice runs to smooth out the trouble spots and get comfortable with the routine. Ultimately, taking this action now will save a lot of time and anxiety later.
Keep the fridge organized with kids’ lunchbox supplies.
Getting lunches prepared is one of the top issues parents face in the crazy morning rush. Yet, one bright back-to-school idea parents can get with is getting refrigerator organized. You can take a clear, shoebox-sized container and create space in the refrigerator for kids’ lunchbox supplies. You can also do the same in your pantry. This way, when it’s time to pack your kids’ lunches, everything will be in one place. Also, by putting things like cereal or chips in clear containers, you’ll know when you’re running low, rather than discover them in the morning when you’re rushed.
The back-to-school rush can leave you feeling anxious and fearful. It’s easy to feel like you don’t have enough time to get organized. That is why setting these things up now will help you keep your kids organized later. You may not be able to start with the whole closet, but you can with a small drawer. You can also get your kids involved with these projects. This is a great bonding opportunity, while also a time to teach them great organizational skills.