Every marriage has its ups and downs, but if your marriage seems to be spiraling from disagreements, arguments and constant disappointments, it may be time to invite God to be a part of it. Because God is the ultimate fatherly figure, he will do all in his power to ease your suffering, especially when you sincerely ask for his guidance and help.

Sometimes all it takes is setting aside your pride and allowing God to guide you through a difficult time. Here are seven sincere prayers that will heal the scars in your marriage if you allow them to.

1. A prayer for your spouse

The best prayer you can say in a marriage is a prayer for your spouse, whether it is for their well-being, for their heart to change or perhaps for them to overcome their personal trials. Praying for your spouse can remind you of their importance in your life and also rekindle your love for them. Praying for your spouse truly changes them for the better and gives them the power they need to keep trying.

2. A prayer for yourself

Perhaps you are the one in dire need of a change of heart or a sense of understanding. If you and your spouse are not seeing eye to eye, ask God to open your eyes and help you be more empathetic toward your spouse. There is great power in admitting your faults and striving to improve them, especially when you ask God for his direction. Communicating with your Father in Heaven will strengthen your faith and give you a true desire to better yourself as a person, a child of God and a spouse.

3. A prayer for strength

If your marriage feels week, or you feel your own shoulders quivering from the heavy burdens of the world, ask the Lord for strength. Ask him for strength to endure troubling times and for courage to face tribulation and affliction. Courage is necessary to approach difficult conversations in marriage and communication is essential in revitalizing your relationship with your spouse. God can help you overcome a heavy, bitter heart and can softly prompt you to keep trying. With God, giving up is not an option.

4. A prayer for peace

A peaceful home is a blissful and happy home. Constant misunderstandings and bickering can replace those sublime feelings of peace with rage and bitterness in the heart and in the home. After all, the phrase "home is where the heart is" rings true in many ways. The state of your heart truly reflects the state of your home. Ask God for peace, how to bring about peace or how to find peace. The soul truly needs peace to remain intact and healthy, and a healthy soul brings out an even more wholesome relationship with your spouse. If necessary, ask God to give you courage in becoming both the peacemaker and peacekeeper in your home.

5. A prayer for forgiveness

Holding grudges is damaging, but holding a grudge against your spouse could completely destroy your marriage. Ask God to soften your heart. Forgiveness truly releases all the negative feelings in your body and the burden on your shoulders. It frees you from all of the awful thoughts and feelings grudges bring about. God forgives the sins of his children, and therefore, he is the perfect teacher of forgiveness.

6. A prayer for guidance

If you are unsure of the next step or what direction to take in your marital relationship, a prayer to God will surely give you guidance. Do not hesitate to stop and ask him with a sincere heart what you need to do. He does not want his children to wander in confusion without a helping hand to lead the way. He is your spiritual GPS, and he will surely steer you in the proper direction.

7. A prayer of gratitude

Oftentimes we ask too much of God without truly thanking him for the blessings he has already showered upon us. Say a prayer of gratitude. Thank him for your marriage and for leading you to the person you have been fortunate enough to have by your side for the rest of your life. Saying a prayer of gratitude can teach you true humility and open your eyes to the wonderful things God has provided for you in life.

No matter how much a marriage may struggle, it is never too late to ask God for help in sustaining a wonderful and beautiful relationship with your spouse.

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