
You might be surprised by the kinds of secrets your kids keep from you, especially while you're living in the same house. Even if you and your kids have a great relationship, there may be things they choose to keep hidden from you.

Here is a list of nine secrets your children might not want to you know:

1. They have a crush

For kids, it's pretty embarrassing to admit when they have a crush. When you're young, crushes are the kind of deep, dark secrets you whisper in the ears of best friends (only). Having a parent know about that cute boy at school would be the height of mortification. A parent might tell other people. They might laugh. A parent might do something unthinkably crazy. In the end, kids would rather keep their crush a secret from their parents.

2. They know how to hide thier computer habits

Kids are tech-savvy at an early age these days. They know how to use incognito browsers and how to clear thier browser history. Especially with devices, it becomes easier and easier for kids to hide what they're really doing when surfing the web. Set parental blocks, give them access only to wholesome entertainment and check up on them while they're using computers and smartphones.

3. They have homework

It's easy for your kids to shrug off your question of, "Do you have homework," with a simple "no" because pulling out that Pre-Algebra will put a stop to whatever fun thing they're doing. Instead, ask your children, "How much homework do you have today?" This question isn't as easy to brush off and so you're more likely to get a straight-forward answer.

4. They messed up

Believe it or not, you kids crave your respect and approval. This means he or she may choose to hide things from you (like a bad grade or something they broke) to avoid your disapproval. Choose to cultivate an environment where mistakes are viewed as an inevitable part of life and an essential part of learning.

5. They know more than you think they do about sex

In today's world, childhood innocence is being disrupted at a younger age. They can pick up innuendos on television and at school. Help your child learn about sex correctly and safely by personally teaching them and continuing to engage them in conversations on the subject. Furthermore, you can help them pick age-appropriate media through services like the Dove Channel.

6. They have their own language

Your kids talk in the cyber world of Instagram posts and tweets; do you really know what they're saying? Do you realize that when they message "PIR" they're saying "parent in room" or that "bae" means "boyfriend" or "girlfriend"? Your kids want to keep what they say on the "DL" (down low), so you need to learn the lingo if you want to keep up.

7. They're afraid they're not good enough

Your kids don't want to you to know how insecure they really are. People learn at a young age to fake confidence and it's also at a young age when building confidence is so important. As their parent, it's your job to foster their confidence and teach them how to develop it from the right sources.

8. They're being bullied

Sometimes kids are nervous to admit that they're being bullied because they fear their bully will target them more. ("Tattle-telling" is a huge faux pa in a kid's mind.) Make sure you ask the right questions about your children's social interactions to ensure you are aware of harmful situations that could be plaguing them.

9. They want to watch inappropriate entertainment

Your kids are curious about what lies behind the forbidden doors of 'R' rated films and what wonders are in programs that are deemed "unsuitable for young viewers." Because of this, it's important to teach them the principles of what is and what isn't appropriate. Have open conversations about what shows your kids are watching and teach them how to make positive choices about their entertainment. For example, show them to use rating systems that are specific about objectionable content so you can make educated choices about what you're watching. Get a free one month trial to the Dove Channel where you can get access to these rating systems and a variety of wholesome entertainment for your children.

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