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Unfortunately, no matter where you go or who you meet, you will one day be faced with contention. Whether the argument is loud and violent or you are just a bystander, contention is real. The secret to handling contention is learning to be a peacemaker and knowing when to put a stop to an unnecessary fight.

In this video, the weather is what causes two young children to fight. It quickly escalates to a heated argument and it even gets a little violent. However, one young girl stands on the sideline until the fight becomes too much and she tries to calm everyone down.

You can teach your children to be a peacemaker at a young age. Your example is a large indicator of how your children will be as they grow up. If your children see you and your family members constantly battling with one another, they will think arguing is the answer to get your way. However, if they see you try to work things out, say calm things, be patient in times of stress, they will pick up on some of those habits as well.

Click here for more tips on how to be a peacemaker.

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