After three years of pain and tears, Lauren and Garyt Walker joyfully announced that they were pregnant with twins by posting a picture of two jumpers laying in the middle of a large pile of needles.

Their journey included 953 days of praying, 452 needles, thousands of tears, one corrective surgery, four clomid/letrozole attempts, two IVF rounds, three failed transfers, and one AMAZING God.

The IVF rounds were the most difficult. After Lauren lost five embryos, she asked God why her. What more did He wanted from her?

"My faith was tested every. single. time,"Lauren said. "My heart told me to keep going. Not to give up or give in."

In the end she was rewarded. Her pregnancy was a gift, but Lauren said that's not the only gift she was given. Her strengthened faith in God was a huge reward for her.

"I carry battle scars on my heart that will always remind me of what it took to receive these two precious blessings. And I would do this 2,000 times over and over, again and again," Lauren said.

Taking their announcement picture brought back years of pain for Lauren, but she said, " After a good cry, the more I looked at it, the more the needles started to blur together. Now all I see are these tiny onesies that so perfectly sum up our journey: Worth the wait. And wait, and wait, and wait."

Lauren and Garyt are looking forward to holding their children in August 2017.

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