We love choosing a family night at least once every two weeks. As much as we'd love to do it more often, we just have too much going on. Something that's really important is finding a movie that's appropriate for all five of us. I have to admit that it's hard to find a good fit, but we always manage to pull through.
My husband and I are very particular about what our kids watch. It seems like the movies keep getting worse with their examples for kids. It's our responsibility as parents to choose what our kids see and hear.
A great way to get a clear understanding of a movie and its influences is to find a movie review website. My favorite site is Plugged In. It's part of "Focus on the Family" and gives a through breakdown of each movie. The movies are broken down into the following categories:
Positive Elements
Spiritual Content
Sexual Content
Violent Content
Crude or Profane Language
Drug and Alcohol Content
I used to be fine with letting the kids watch rated "G" movies but it's not something I can trust anymore. It always seems like the rated "G" movies now days are the "PG" movies from two years ago. The content keeps getting worse and many values are disregarded.
My family and I have been very pleased with Plugged In and highly recommend it. You can always try asking a friend or trying another review site such as www.kidsinmind.com or www.screenit.com as well.