lev radin / Shutterstock.com

For years, Colin Farrell has been known for keeping his personal life away from the public eye. However, in a recent heartfelt interview, the 48-year-old Irish actor opened up about his experiences raising his 20-year-old son, James, who has been living with a rare neurogenic disorder called Angelman syndrome. Through this rare glimpse into his life, Farrell shared some of the raw and profound moments that come with caring for a child with special needs and explained his motivation behind launching a foundation to support similar families.

"This is the first time I’ve spoken about it, and obviously, the only reason I’m speaking is I can’t ask James if he wants to do this,” the actor said.

“I'm very private. I've never had crews within our home. It's a very safe space,” Farrell said in an interview. “I have to, or choose to believe, that if James knew that doing this could help families and other young adults who live with special needs, he would say, 'Dad, what are you talking about? Why are you even asking me? It’s a no-brainer.'”

Angelman syndrome, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a genetic disorder that causes delayed development, problems with speech and balance, mental disability, and sometimes seizures. Farrell and James’ mother, model Kim Bordenave, first noticed developmental delays when James was very young. Farrell recalled thinking that James was just a relaxed baby, but it soon became apparent that something more serious was at play when James wasn't meeting typical developmental milestones.

James was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome around the age of two. Reflecting on the diagnosis, Farrell described the mix of emotions he felt. “To be told that he may never walk and see those first steps, I’ll just never forget it. It was so overwhelmingly beautiful,” he said.

Despite the challenges, Farrell found joy in some of the most unexpected moments. He fondly remembered James taking his first steps just two weeks before his fourth birthday. “We were in the house we lived in at the time, and Deborah, a member of James' care team, came upstairs and said, 'James has something to show you.' She said go over there. She let him go,” Farrell recalled, fighting back tears. “It was so profound. It was magic. I'll never forget the face of determination as he just walked towards me. I burst into tears.”

Farrell's experience with James has inspired him to launch the Colin Farrell Foundation, which aims to help families facing similar situations. Through this initiative, he hopes to provide support, resources, and a sense of community for those dealing with the challenges of special needs.

"For years, [I've] wanted to do something in the realm of providing greater opportunities for families who have a child with special needs, to receive the support that they deserve, basically the assistance in all areas of life.”

In sharing his story, Colin Farrell offers not only a glimpse into his own life but also a beacon of hope and understanding for other families navigating the complexities of raising children with special needs.

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