One imaginative artist from Barcelona is using her talents to promote self love and acceptance.

A canvas of scars

Cinta Tort Cartró knows that many women see themselves as flawed and lacking because of various imperfections on their bodies. That's why she's using these "flaws" as a canvas. The artist starting painting womens' stretch marks with beautiful bright colors and the results are nothing less than stunning.

By turning stretch marks into amazing artwork, she's reminding all women that with every mark, scar, curve and freckle, they are beautiful works of art themselves.

The artist's mission

Cartró used her own body as a canvas the first time she created a stretch mark artwork. When she posted a photo of her painted stretch marks, she said: "Beautiful stretch marks. More self-love and less aesthetic pressure. Your body, your house, you decide."

Many women are ashamed or embarrassed of their stretch marks and want to hide them; Cartró, on the other hand, wants to highlight them for the misunderstood art they truly are.

"All bodies have (more or less) stains, hairs, freckles, stretch marks, curves, lines, wounds, wrinkles ... and all are equally valid," said Cartró. "It is time for us to begin to love ours because, after all, this is our tool of communication with the world. And if we do not like the tool we use for it, we can hardly feel free."

A journey of self love

Throughout this self-love journey, Cartró has helped many women see themselves in a better light as well. She focuses her creative talents into creating works of art that inspire others to accept and love themselves.

Through her work, Cartró has been able to turn something that society thinks is an imperfection into something truly beautiful. Her inspiring works strive to remind all women to embrace their scars and marks and think of them as the stunning works of art they really are.

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