A foster father from South Dakota, who's username is SoDakZak, shared a heartbreaking photo on Reddit of a note that his foster daughter gave him, leaving many people touched. Zak shared a photo to Reddit of a note with the words "Plez luve me" with the caption, "My 6-year-old foster daughter just handed me this note." The post gained the attention of many, pulling at their heartstrings after seeing the touching note. In the post, Zak said that he and his wife love her and her five-year-old brother very much and are planning to adopt them as soon as possible. "We have had them for two months as of today," SoDakZak wrote. "They’re in a foster-to-adopt situation as the parental rights have been terminated prior to them joining us." He said that per the state's regulations, they have to foster the children for six months before they can begin the adoption process.
31 years that barely mattered until my 6 year old foster daughter gave me this and we replied. Whatever brought you to my profile, this is who I am and strive to be.
by u/SoDakZak in u/SoDakZak
Zak opened up in the post about the feelings he felt when she handed him and his wife each their own note saying the same thing. "My heart breaks that despite every ounce of effort, she doesn’t know what love truly looks like for certain. But my heart also soars knowing that she’s comfortable to give my wife and [me] each a note that says this on it, comfortable enough with us to ask us to love her," he said. Zak edited his post the next day with a photo of the note that he and his wife wrote back to her saying "We will always love you." He said he hid the note under her glasses and when she found it, she ran and gave her brother a tackle hug.