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If you've ever thought you were pregnant, you know the anticipation of taking a pregnancy test can be exciting and nerve-wracking. And, there's always that tiny chance that the test could be wrong.
We live in a world of instant gratification, even when it comes to at-home pregnancy tests. These little tests let us know early on if we should get ready for a new addition to the family.
There are tons of different tests to choose from so we've made a list of the best ones to use so you know for sure you're getting the most accurate results.
1. First Response Early Result
This test is one of the most accurate and can tell you whether or not you're pregnant as early as five days before your period is even supposed to start. It has a wide tip and a curved handle so it's easy to use, and it's very sensitive to the pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG).
2. Clearblue digital with Smart Countdown
This test is unique because you can actually watch to see when your results will be ready. There's a bar on the screen that will tell you the progress. When it's ready, it will either say "pregnant" or "not pregnant." Although it can't tell as early as the First Response test, it's 99 percent accurate on the day your period is supposed to start.
3. Wondfo pregnancy test
The Wondfo test is unlike the others on this list because they come in strips. The best part about using these is that they're super accurate and you get more for your money. They typically come in boxes of 25-50 and cost about the same as other tests that come in packs of 3-5. Results take approximately five minutes to show up, and it's best to use this test after you miss your period.
4. EPT Certainty
This is another digital test that will say "pregnant," "not pregnant" or have an hourglass symbol while the results are still coming in. It's impossible to misread, has clear instructions and and it's very accurate. And, you can take it four days before your period!
5. New Choice
This is one of the best pregnancy tests you can get for your money. Although you can find it in the aisles of the dollar store, it's highly sensitive and extremely accurate. It's best to take it the day of your missed period or any time after for the most accurate results.
Adding to your family is exciting, but even if you try these tests and get a positive it's best to see a doctor to confirm the results. It's also important to remember that everyone is different, and while one person might get positive results before a missed period, another person's results might not come right away. Be patient and hopefully you'll get the results you're wishing for.
If you have used other tests you loved, tell us in the comments!