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Mothers are normal women doing unreal things every day. They are tender yet tough, loving but firm and strong yet soft. With the touch of her lips our tears are dried.

Mothers across the world have a deep glow, an internal flame fed by a God who trusts her to care for his spirits. If she can't have her own, she will lovingly take children into her home from all over the world, healthy or injured, well or sick. No wonder we are taught from a young age to revere and respect our mothers.

A mother looks at her children with wonder and amazement. She has witnessed God's testimony of his love for us in a baby's first breath. Religious leader Neil A. Maxwell said this about mothers, "You rock a sobbing child without wondering if today's world is passing you by, because you know you hold tomorrow tightly in your arms."

Mothers teach us about the world without ever leaving home. They teach us about fairness, service and mercy. They teach us empathy for others by their example. They teach us how to take time out when we are angry, and to always take turns. When she sends us into the world, we feel prepared. And if we come home bruised or broken, we are never too old to go to our mothers for courage to fight one more day.

If you have been supported, loved, cared for, and strengthened by a mother, how do you show her you care? Here are some ideas:

Give a gift that says, "I see you."

Every woman loves a nice gift; every mother adores a nice effort. Put thought and effort into what you do. If you purchase a gift, think hard about who she is, what she likes doing or what color she loves. Little boys love to buy mothers toys, because they assume mothers love what they love. Big boys turn and look at their mother, realizing that although she serves others, she has wishes and dreams all her own. Find out if your mother has a cause like Breast Cancer prevention and buy her a pink ribbon, or make a donation to a cause in her name. Does she love to garden? Make a coupon offering to go with her to her favorite garden store. The key words here are, "go with her."�


It's amazing what a little one on one time can do. Time together is a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day with an older mother or grandmother. Pick a bouquet of flowers and head over to your mother's house. Give her your gift and then sit down and listen. Ask her about her youth, about her life and her passions. She has spent her life to listening to you and caring for you. Write it down or record it. This is a priceless gift you cannot replace, it will be cherished for generations.

Box of Mom-shine. Put together a box of her favorites - candies, books, movies, treats or anything you can think of - then add some fun pictures from over the years and a loving note. This one can be as elaborate or as simple as you like.

Every day loves

At our home we try to find at least one small thing we can do each day for one another. This is a great way for a husband or child to show mom love all year round. Doing a load of laundry or dishes without being asked makes life sweeter. A small flower from the garden, even a chubby fist of dandelions will make mom's eyes light up.

Post it mania

Leave small notes all over the house with fun or loving remarks for mom. This can be an every day gift as well. Leave a note on the stove each morning. A fun idea for working moms is to Post-it Note her car. Fill a pad of notes with words that describe why you love your mother. Then go to her work, and while she is at work, cover her car with post-it notes. Put a sign on the windshield that says, "Mother I love you, let me count the ways"�"�

Mothers are magic. Whether she is your mother by birth, adoption or choice, the attachment is almost physical and definitely eternal. She seems to know just when to call and ask how we are, or sense when something is wrong. Sometimes, a mother is a father left to do the hard work of both parents alone.

This Mother's Day honor the miracle of magical mothers by doing something for the person you choose to call mom that says, I see you and I am grateful for your love.

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