Felicia Cash was home one day when she started living a nightmare. She felt pain and started bleeding, and within a few minutes, she delivered her sweet, miscarried son, Japeth Peace. The child was only 14 weeks and six days gestation, and he was "perfectly formed" but within the legal time of abortion.
According to Guttmacher Institute, most states allow abortion if the child is less than 20 weeks gestation.
"Not a cluster of cells"
The grieving mother posted pictures of her sweet baby on Facebook, and stated, "At less than half gestation he is very obviously human, not a cluster of cells, not a lump of tissue, not a blob of unformed flesh. He is a beautiful child, formed by God, and now gone to be with him."
Cash is now speaking out against abortion, and making sure everyone knows that these fetuses are actual children, with heartbeats, hands and feet.
She said, "His tiny heart was beating within 16 days of conception, pumping his own blood. That is usually before anyone knows that they are pregnant. There seems to be a misconception that unless you can hear or see it, it isn't happening, but that tiny heart is beating, even if it is too small to hear or see."
Negative comments won't stop this mom
This heartbreaking post went viral, but the brave mom still got a lot of backlash for sharing the photos and information with the public. According toFaithIt, "[Cash] has been trolled by vulgar groups who've suggested absolutely disgusting things about her baby boy. The whole point of her post was to prove that he was in fact, human."
Despite the negative backlash and degrading comments, Cash is standing by her decision to post photos of her son and speak out against abortion. Thousands of people are showing their support and leaving heartfelt comments on her Facebook post.
People were supportive, despite the negativity
One commenter said, "This is beautiful! I love him even though I never met him personally. What an amazing story ... I will do everything in my power to fight for you and Japeth."
Others thanked her for sharing her story. Another commenter said, "Thank you for your courage and openness in sharing the story of your little boy ... I also pray hearts will be turned to choosing life when they see your testimony."
Another woman said, "I had no idea the babies are so perfectly formed at this age. Thank you for sharing and God bless you."
Cash has a final plea for women everywhere
Cash did such a brave thing by sharing these photos, and many women are benefitting from her decision. She closes her post by pleading with everyone, "if you are considering abortion, please take time to find the truth and reconsider. This is not an effort to shame, belittle or condemn anyone in any way. It is the plea of a woman who just lost her child for you to at least consider the options."
She goes on to say, "If you have made up your mind to choose abortion, no one can stop you. If you have already chosen abortion, I do not condemn you. And there are many who are willing to counsel you through your loss and grief. Again, reach out. There is hope."