@codywestonandrew / Instagram

Seven Utah siblings surprised their parents in the sweetest way by showing up to their elderly parents house for a slumber party. The video of the surprise has gone viral on Instagram where it shows the shock and excitement their parents had now that all of their children were under the same roof again. “It had been 30 years since we’d all slept under the same roof,” Cody Andrew, 42, wrote in the caption of the video he shared. Cody's wife, Christine, came up with the idea after she noticed her in-laws John, 81, and Luedeen, 80, were struggling with goodbyes. Though they all see each other regularly, John and Luedeen were still struggling with not seeing them as often. “There was one time where Cody’s mom grabbed my arm and was like, ‘I would do anything to have them all here with me again,” Christine told Today. So, in April Luedeen got her wish when all seven of her adult children: Teresa, 57, Chad, 55, Chris, 52, Bobbi, 49, Danny, 45, Cody, 42 and Hiedi, 40, showed up to their house with sleeping bags and Chinese food. No in-laws or grandchildren were invited. For one night, John and Luedeen had their seven children all to their selves.  Cody, a content creator, shared the video to Instagram, bringing in over 1.8 million likes. He wrote in the caption, "I don’t know how many more years my parents have but this was amazing. They had a new found energy through out the night staying up until 11.30pm."


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In the video, you can see the siblings filing into the house before the gang piles into their parents' bedroom just like old times. “Cody tells me stories about how he and his brothers and sisters would sit on their mom’s bed and have popcorn and orange juice every night,” Christine said. “They wanted to recreate those moments of having a full house again.” Luedeen and John, who are known for going to sleep early, stayed up until 11:30 watching movies and playing Truth or Dare. “My brothers and sisters got into some mischief in the neighborhood. We were so close to getting Mom to toilet paper a neighbor’s house,” Cody says. “She backed out at the last minute!” John, who had recently been having health issues, kept a smile on his face the whole night and even into the coming days. The day after the sleepover, Chad got a text message from an employee at the local bank who said John had come into the bank and could not stop talking about what his kids had done. "All the memories came flooding back when we were all together," Cody says. "In a lot of ways it felt like we were kids again."

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