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Just say "YES."

Many people have reported receiving a phone call from an unknown number where the caller asks, "can you hear me?", motivating the person to answer "yes." Little do they know, with one simple word, they've just become a fraud victim.

According to Newsner, the fraud consists of recording the victim's voice responding "yes," and using the recording as verbal consent or a voice signature for various agreements the real person obviously didn't consent to. This verbal consent can legally take the place of a signature you'd sign with a pen, and it could lose you lots of money.

What to do if it happens to you

If you receive a call like this, the best thing to do is hang up immediately before saying anything.

Authorities suggest these tips to avoid phone scammers in general:

  • Be suspicious of all unsolicited phone calls

  • Never reveal personal or financial information, including your PIN number or bank card to anyone

  • Don't feel pressured into making an investment or financial decision

  • The police and banks will never ring you and ask you to verify your PIN, withdraw cash, transfer money to a "safe" account or purchase high value goods

  • In order to clear your line from the fraudster, wait at least five minutes before making another call

Other forms of consumer fraud

1. Credit cards

Considered a "classic" consumer fraud, the method for credit card fraud today is faster and simpler, thanks to new technology.

The most common form is credit card number theft, where the identification number on the front of your card is sold to scammers. Another form attacks those with large credit card debts - the scammer offer you forms to fill out for affordable payment plans, only to steal your information and run with it.

2. Loan scams

A common form of loan scamming involves offering a loan for a high fee in advance; once they have your initial big payment, you never see the agreed loan amount.

3. Product fraud

These sometimes come in the form of pricy, seemingly wonderful products that claim to make you lose weight or improve skin, but don't actually create improvements or benefits.

4. Identity theft

This happens when another person uses your personal information to pose as you, opening new accounts, making purchases or fraudulent transactions. In recent years, the Federal Consumer Agency has made new steps to prevent identity theft, but the danger still persists.

Warning signs of your identity being stolen include receiving calls from debt collectors (when you don't owe debt), discovering accounts in your name that you never made them, or finding transaction histories in your bank account that you did not make.

5. "Congratulations, you won!" fraud

Most people know to not to click on the flashing window that pops up saying "Congratulations, you won! Click here to win your prize." But sometimes similar fraud happens in less obvious ways. There's also emails claiming to be from family or friends traveling out of country needing money sent over, or emails claiming you just won an inheritance and they need your bank info to make the deposit. Whenever you receive an email of this nature delete it or report it to The Federal Consumer Agency.

Federal Consumer Agency

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is responsible for preventing all illegal or fraudulent practices that exist in the market.On its official page , you can report fraud complaints and learn more about fraud.

What to do?

If you've experienced any type of fraud, report it immediately to your Consumer Protection Agency, call your bank to report it and let the local police know.

There are always people looking for new ways to scam. Always be on the lookout!

_This article has been adapted and translated from the original "Policía advierte acerca de un nuevo tipo de fraude en la que te llaman por teléfono dicen estas 3 palabras y la estafa comienza" which was originally published on familias.com.

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