Prince William has supposedly told a close source that his relationship with his brother, Prince Harry, is "over." The source said, “The relationship between the brothers is over and it doesn’t make a great deal of difference what is in the films released this week. The general feeling that it won’t be anything they haven’t said before.” The "films" mentioned are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new documentary series, "Harry & Meghan," that recently premiered on Netflix. The series takes the viewers inside their life detailing their love story and what lead them to leave the royal family for good. The couple endured major backlash from the British public which resulted in their choice to leave the royal family. Harry referred to the situation as "history repeating itself," when asked about the backlash his wife went through where many compare Markle's treatment to Prince Harry's mother, Princess Diana, who was ridiculed by the public before passing away in 1997. The couple now resides in California where they are able to live more freely than they did in the United Kingdom.
Prince William is said to believe that Prince Harry has turned to the media to air out his family's secrets, leaving William dismayed at his brother. “William will never forgive Harry for selling out his and Kate’s secrets. Harry knows, more than anyone, how much their privacy means to William and Kate because he felt the same. It was one of the things that drew them together. It’s just sickening to [William] that Harry, who knows exactly how distressing it will be to him, is now selling them out to the media. William and Kate don’t deserve this. It’s incredibly sad,” said the source close to Prince William.
Sources close to King Charles and his wife Camilla have mentioned their sadness about the entire situation stating, “The only thing Charles can do is keep calm and carry on. The last thing he wants to do is to pour fuel on the fire.”