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Sending a child off to college can be one of the hardest things a parent has to do. Children are often jumping at the chance to get out of the house, while you as a parent are struggling with the idea of letting your kids go.

One son, although he was excited to go to college, understood the struggle of leaving his mother and didn't want her to forget about him or miss him too much. He decided to leave a couple of reminders to his mother about how much he loves her.

He wrote notes, some as simple as "I love you," around the house for her to find throughout the day. Some were left in the tub, while others were taped to the mirror, but my favorite one was the one she found in the coffee maker.

Today we dropped our son off at the train station to return to college for the spring semester of his freshman year.


Posted by Grown and Flown on Monday, January 15, 2018

When his mom found the first one, all she could think about was how much she loved her son. She said, "Finding these notes has made me so happy. And I keep finding more. Each note I find I'm afraid is the last, but then I find another."

His mom posted the story on Facebook to share her love for her son and let her son know how much she appreciated his little notes.

To our moms, all we can say is thank you. Teenagers don't say it enough, but when they move to college, they realize how much their parents did for them. It's always a beautiful thing when they decide to express their gratitude in a way the parents can keep the gift and look at it again and again.

To other children, don't forget to thank your parents, especially your mother. She has done so much for you and sharing your love and appreciation for her is a small repayment for what she has done for you.

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