It's a struggle: rehash the same boring birthday cake from last year, or slave over a complex Pinterest-worthy confection? How about neither?
Here's an improbably easy cake that takes notes from the piñata for an uncommon birthday dining experience.
- 2 boxes cake mix
- 2 cups frosting
- 1 bag M&M's or other candy
Prepare cake batter according to box instructions. Divide batter between 3 greased 9" round pans. Bake according to box instructions or until toothpick comes out with a few moist crumbs. Let cool and remove from pans. Using a bread knife, cut a large circle from one cake. Frost and stack the cake with the hole on top of another. Fill the hole with M&M's, frost remaining edges, and place the last cake on top. Frost, decorate, and serve!