Our children are inundated with noise. Stereos, MP3 players, ear buds, computer noise, loud movies, and normal kid sounds. There are three spiritual reasons for teaching our children to set aside some time for peace and quiet.


With all that surrounds them, it might be easy to miss promptings of the still, small voice of the spirit. God and the spirit speak in whispers, not roars, and children need to be able to hear the warnings they may be missing.


They also need to learn to listen after their prayers for answers to things that may be bothering them. Being still is difficult for most kids, but it is a skill that can be learned and reinforced.


The other benefit of stillness and quiet is the peace that comes with it. All of us need a break from the din that surrounds us. The scriptures teach us, "Be still and know that I am God." Knowing brings that much-needed soul-calming peace.

So, how do we accomplish this difficult task?

By example

Find a few moments each day to sit quietly with your eyes closed in front of your children. Let them know that your day goes much smoother if you take a few moments throughout the day to just be quiet and listen.

By instruction

Teach them about meditation. Talk about the benefits that come from it. It can be as simple as thinking "inhale" and "exhale" as you breathe or counting your breaths.

By request

If your family says prayers together, or if you say them at night with each of your children before bed, ask them to spend a few moments of quiet after the prayer is said. A 3-4 minute period of silence will help them think about the prayers and receive answers and comfort from them.

By mandate

Set aside some time each day or at least several times a week for quiet. All noise turned off for the household. No cell phones, no music and no TV. Just silence and peace. It doesn't need to be long. Ten to 15 minutes of silence will do everyone good.

Make sure to discuss positive results and encourage children to contribute theirs as well. Once they see the benefits, it will become habit for them. They will begin to crave quiet time.

There are a number of ways and places to celebrate peace and quiet.


As mentioned above, meditation is a wonderful way to accomplish this goal. It helps spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. They can do a simple meditation with the breathing, or meditate on a situation, troubling thoughts or questions they have. By clearing their minds, they will be more receptive for answers.

Quiet walks

Walking and thinking quietly is another beneficial way to clear their head and find answers. Help them find a place with low traffic where they can have quiet. Refrain from discussion on these walks and let the peace take over.


This sounds silly, but the bathroom is a wonderful place to find peace and quiet (if you don't have toddlers or cats). In the shower or a soothing bath, they can completely relax and let their minds go. Just encourage them to check with others before holing up in there.


Every bedroom can be a sanctuary if it is kept in order. Let them know that disorder is like visual noise and detracts from peace and quiet. Encourage them to keep their rooms orderly and neat so that it becomes a haven for quiet time.


A special tree, lying in the grass, swaying in a hammock or sitting by a pool. All places where they can generally find some stillness. Listening to the sounds of nature is a great way to clear their minds of clutter.

Bring some peace and quiet into your home and introduce the healing concept to your children. Teach them how the spirit works and how they can become closer to God through moments of silence.

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