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Imagine trying to wake up your kids for school in the middle of summer. How would they react? Confused? Angry? Exhausted? A mix of all three emotions?

When late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel challenged his viewers to wake up their kids one summer morning, tell them they are late for school, and then post the videos on Youtube, the results were hilarious.

"There isn't school, dude," one boy argued to his dad. Another son quickly woke up and started getting ready without asking any questions. One girl was less amused. "This is not a funny joke," she said.

Although it was quite humorous to Jimmy Kimmel and his viewers, most kids aren't laughing when it comes to waking up for another long school day. The thought of going to school, focusing on the lessons, not talking to their friends, and then coming home and completing homework assignments is nightmarish to many children. Even though some love learning and attending school, a lot of students spend their days counting down to Christmas, spring break, and finally summer vacation.

When these breaks are approaching, as summer break is now, it's easy for kids to lose focus and start letting their minds wander in school. Instead of learning their multiplication tables, they might be dreaming of Disney World, summer camp, or whatever exciting summer plans are headed their way within weeks. It can be easy to forget that grades will drop if your interest in school disappears.

On the other hand, maybe you are the struggling student, balancing parenthood in one hand and heavy textbooks in the other. From elementary school to college and everywhere in between, school is difficult and it can be hard to find motivation at all levels.

With spring break over and summer just around the corner, you or your kids might be already ditching the homework and pulling out the swim trunks. Here are some tips for staying motivated or helping your kids push through when the end is so close, yet so far.

Help your kids with their homework

Sit down with them and make an academic calendar for the last few weeks of school. Don't let their assignments fall through the cracks and never treat homework as optional, or else they will too.

Provide incentives for yourself and your family

As a reward for accomplishing good grades and surviving the school year, take your kids on an adventure that fits your family, but make sure to have these plans already mapped out as motivation to succeed.

Focus on the bigger picture

Remind your children that school doesn't just disappear when a break finally comes. If you fail a class this year, you will have to retake it next year or attend summer school. Don't let exhaustion from school cloud future consequences.

Whether it's the last week of school or yet another dreary Monday, sometimes it might feel like life is moving at a turtle's pace. Follow these tips to encourage your kids (or yourself) to keep working hard in school.

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