I've traveled the four corners of the internet in an attempt to compile the most versatile, extensive list of coconut oil hacks the digital world has to offer. Just think about how much money you'd save if you used coconut oil for all of these things instead of the usual products? It adds up.

You've already been bombarded with these kind of hacks over the last few years, but I'm sure you'll find something on this list you haven't seen yet. Click on the links for more information on each hack, and have fun. Try a few of these out and let us know how it goes for you in the comments section.

1. Get rid of body odor.

2. It removes waterproof makeup.

3. Use it as shaving cream.

4. It works as a shampoo replacement.

5. Use it to get gum out of your hair.

6. Dab it on cuts as an antiseptic.

7. Relieve sunburns.

8. Use it in a simple belly balm recipe.

9. Help prevent wrinkles.

10. It can help out with yeast infections.

11. Use it to unjam zippers.

12. It can even whiten your teeth.

13. Or be used as sunblock.

14. A quick and easy lip balm.

15. Fight hair frizz.

16. Prevent broken nails.

17. Relieve a sore throat.

18. Polish your furniture.

19. Clean leather.

20. Use it in a full body exfoliator recipe.

21. Help boost your metabolism.

22. Soothe pet paws.

23. Prevent hair loss.

24. Use it to clean your makeup brushes.

25. Give your face a nice glow.

26. Get rid of rust.

27. Evict lice bugs.

28. Use it on your popcorn instead of butter.

29. Fix that squeaky door.

Have you tried any of these already? How did they work out for you? Are some better than others? Let us know in the comments section.

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