Babies are born with limitless possibilities. Their slates are clean and they can take whichever paths they decide.

This touching video captures the first moments of new babies with their parents from across the world. The waiting, the emotions and the arrivals are things any parent can relate to. These parents share their wishes for their new arrivals:

  • Health

  • Happiness

  • To be loved by everyone

  • To be able to do anything

  • Go to school and be educated

  • Become a doctor or nurse

  • To feel loved

These tender moments are so precious - new babies with endless possibilities and new parents with endless love. The video concludes with this true message: "The best possible start begins with love." That's what being a parent is all about -love.

Even though our wishes for our children may not come true, we know they will always be loved because of our love for them. We all have hopes and dreams for our children, but the best thing we can do to help our children develop into the people they are meant to become is to love and support them.

Read these powerful ways to show your children love. When kids have a strong foundation of unconditional love from their parents, they have more confidence in themselves to achieve their dreams and goals.

Parenthood isn't always easy, though. If you find it's difficult to show love sometimes, try these tips about showing love for your kids - even when they least deserve it. Good parenting always starts with love.

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