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Most kids love books, but this baby takes the cake.

While this sweet baby looks at her book, each page turned elicits the most adorable surprised look you've ever seen. Alternating with giggles, the thrill of each page turned continues.

Do you and your kids love books? The best time to instill a love of reading in your children is while they are very young. Reading books before bedtime, during quiet time, just for fun or for entertainment during trips in the car can make life-long book lovers.

According to an article, "5 Hidden Benefits of Reading For Kids (And Their Parents)," reading to children can help them in several ways.

  • Reading with your child creates a strong parent-child bond.

  • Kids who are read to at least three to five times per week are likely to be about six months ahead of their peers.

  • Reading increases vocabulary.

  • When a child sees his parents reading, he will have a greater desire to read as well. Kids learn by your example.

  • Reading boosts self-esteem and communication skills.

Reading is for all ages—babies, toddlers, grade-schoolers, middle-schoolers, high-schoolers and adults. Books have the power to enrich lives by helping readers to understand other perspectives, visit other places and meet people from around the world and across time periods.

Read this article about "The value of reading good books."

For some great books for younger kids, click here. For some grade-schooler books, read this article. And for books for older kids or family nights, read this article about books-turned-movies.

Make reading a constant part of your family's life. A good book beats watching television or playing video games any day of the week.

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