There will be days when you are discouraged, when the road you travel leads to a wide chasm that you cannot cross alone.

Frazzled and in a hurry, you may try to jump that chasm, relying on your own strength. In doing so, you may fall just short of the distance and wind up hanging off the side of a cliff, figuratively speaking.

In that moment, when you are fighting for your life, barely hanging on, waiting to be rescued, the one thing God wants you to remember is this:

Let Go

Because this is a figurative cliff, I promise you will not be harmed, and as a matter of fact, it is the only way God can rescue you.

You see, when you are hanging on for dear life, you still have the belief that you can save yourself, and if you can save yourself, then why would you need rescuing?

The only way God can rescue us is if we let go of the idea that we are in charge and trust in His power to save. When we let go and let God do the rescuing, he can do more with our life than we can. He can change sinners into saints, trials into triumphs and the helpless into hopeful.

By letting go of everything we think we want, we learn humility and slowly become who God needs us to be. We become a light in the darkness, and a beacon to the lost.

Letting go isn't easy, and probably one of the more difficult tests of this life. But if we allow it, this test can become a testimony that will change lives for the better, beginning with our own.

Here are five steps we can take in letting go.

1. Trust

Trust that God is there and that he will catch you.

He has already promised he will. Believe him and believe in his promises to save. We do not have to rely on our own strength to make it through this life. We have his strength to lean on. God's arm is enough to save. Use it.

2. Love

Don't let anger and hate dictate your actions. Don't let your circumstances leave you bitter and angry.

God is love and when you embrace love, you embrace your Father and invite him to reach down and embrace you.

Love your enemies, do good to those who use you. Serve those who hate you. Learn to act and not be acted upon. Don't let others have power over your thoughts. We choose our own thoughts and actions. Always choose love.

3. Fear Not

Fear can lead us to do dangerous things. It can also cause us to hold on to things that may be harmful to us in the long run.

Fear of letting go, fear of being alone, fear that there will be no one there to catch us, all these fears are valid; but they won't save us.

In order to gain our life, we have to have the courage to let it go. Give it up to God and let him take the reins. He can do much more with our life than we can.

4. Look up

Looking down will only cause fear. Look towards heaven, this is where your Father will be.

Look up to your Father and envision his face before you. Call on him and his angels to save and protect you. Prayer brings you closer to God than any other earthly communication.

It is direct communication with God in heaven, divine communication from child to Father and from Father to child. Call out to God and he will always be there to rescue you.

5. Reach out

God is not beneath us, he is above us, reaching down to pull us up and out of the darkness we live in.

But in order to take his hand, we have to let go of the ledge and trust that his hands are there. He will lift us out of the darkness of the world and into the glorious light of his love. Reach out and touch him. He's waiting there for you.

Let go...

These are the words God would say to you if he were here. Let go and let me rescue you.

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