Pregnancy can be hard, physically and mentally. Sometimes what you need is a little pick-me-up to help you get through it. Here are some ideas:
1. Do some yoga
Or any exercise, really. Just getting up and moving around a little can go a long way toward improving your mood and lifting your spirits. Yoga is especially helpful because, besides the short-term benefits, it also improves your flexibility and breathing method, both of which will be helpful when you're in labor.
2. Find one great outfit
Clothes can be hard at this time in your life. Nothing fits, everything is expensive and vaguely resembles a tent. If you can find just one really great outfit, something that makes you feel like you can take on the world, then everything will seem much brighter.
The kind of outfit will depend on your lifestyle. For me it was a great pair or maternity jeans and a handful of shirts that made me feel pretty instead of frumpy. If you work in an office, a great suit or dress pants might be a better investment for you.
3. Buy some shoes that fit
Let's face it, your feet are bigger. I know, it's a cruel, cruel world. They may go back to normal after the baby comes and they may not, you can cross that bridge when you get to it. For now, having at least one pair of shoes that fits you today is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
4. Take a nap
This was hard for me to do, but after a while I had to admit it really was essential. Your body is working hard to create something amazing, so cut yourself some slack and get some sleep. Whatever you're working on will still be there when you wake up, unfortunately.
5. Go to lunch with a friend
There's something about taking time in the middle of the day to eat something delicious and catch up with your friends that makes you feel pampered and relaxed. Call your most positive friends and make a plan. I bet they'll be happy to see you, too.
6. Fold all the baby clothes
Whenever I felt like I could not take the nausea and the swelling and the exhaustion for one more day I would do something to remind myself why I was doing this. I would get out all the baby clothes and refold them while I day dreamed about my beautiful baby. It makes everything seem worthwhile.
7. Let people help you
It can be hard, but when you need help, ask for it. You do yourself and the people around you a disservice when you don't give them the chance to be there for you when you need something.
8. Do something nice for someone else
As cliché as it might sound, forgetting about yourself and helping someone else is amazingly good for the soul. It can be something big, but even something small like baking cookies for the neighbors will give you a boost.
9. Get out and go a little crazy
It's going to get harder to just drop everything and go to a movie or run to the beach once the baby comes. Take advantage of the freedom you have right now and do something fun.
10. Count your blessings
You're having a baby! What's happening to your body is a miracle, even if it's not always comfortable. Be grateful you have this chance and be grateful it will be over soon.
Take good care of yourself during your pregnancy. It will set a valuable precedent for taking good care of yourself as a new mom.