It's always a letdown when you go on a trip and forget something, especially when you're camping, because usually the towns aren't as close. Use this list as a guideline to what you should remember to take on your next camping trip. Keep in mind this list is geared toward camping in a tent.
Water proof matches
To waterproof them dip the head in melted paraffin wax. You can store them in old pill bottles; keep two containers in case you lose one.
Water filter system
Creek and lake water isn't safe to drink without filters; if you drink it without being filtered you can get diseases such as Giardia.
Water proof shelter
A tent is one of the most popular forms.
Sleeping bag
Try to get one rated for 20 degrees colder than the expect temperature.
25 feet of rope
There are many different uses for rope such as rescuing people and tying things down.
Insect spray
Many insects can cause you pain, itching, swelling or can carry diseases. It's best to apply multiple times a day.
Learn how to use it before your trip.
Carry one around your neck whenever hiking in case you get stuck, hurt or lost.
Food and proper storage
Try to take a cooler with you if you can to hold perishable foods like eggs, milk, meat, etc. If you are hiking somewhere you'll need to pack lighter, but still figure out how to properly store your food.
Camp stove and utensils
Use these to prepare all your food that you don't plan to cook on the fire.
First Aid Kit
Band-Aids, headache medicine, sterile gauze, medical tape, elastic wrap, antiseptic cream, sunburn ointment - preferably with aloe in it, hydrogen peroxide, tweezers, eye wash, snake bite kit, and any other medicines or items you may personally need (i.e. allergy medicine, inhaler).
Map of the area
Having a map will tell you directions and show you the land's layout. If you get a detailed one it can even tell you where hiking trails are located.
Extra clothing
Make sure to include hats, clothes, undergarments, socks, jeans, shoes, shirts, and jackets. Using layers will help you throughout the day through fluctuating temperatures.
Personal hygiene items
Even though you'll be outside, it's good to stay as clean and healthy as you can. You can even brush your teeth just with bottled water.
Hiking shoes
If you don't have hiking shoes use old shoes that are well broken in. You don't want to get halfway to your destination with tons of blisters and need to turn around.
Sturdy knife
Knifes have many uses such as gutting a fish, cutting rope, or even carving a new creation.
Pen and Paper
Bring those in a plastic bag in case they get wet. You never know if you'll need to write important messages.
Lightweight saw
A saw is less dangerous than someone swinging an axe. You can use it to cut branches for kindling.
Card or Dice Games
A great time to play a game is right after your hike or during a rainy afternoon.
The outdoors are beautiful, and you'll be able to capture your memories forever with a camera.
Flashlight and hanging lantern
Those will prove very helpful when the sun goes down. If you have a hanging lantern it will help you finish cooking dinner under the stars.
Hopefully you'll remember these tips to help your next camping trip be a successful one!