Remember how as kids all we wanted to do was leave home and finally become adults? Well, here are some GIFs to better illustrate how you feel about adulting now:

1. Waking up early Monday morning

2. Turning to your alarm clock

3. Going to work

4. At least you get a cool-looking name tag or badge

5. Waiting for work to end

6. When it finally does

7. Getting home and realizing you have no social life

8. So you end up going to bed early

9. Waking up Tuesday

10. Wednesday

11. Thursday

12. Going to work Friday

13. Leaving work Friday

14. Then opening your paycheck

15. Friday night

16. Then bored on Saturday

17. So you pay some bills

18. When the weekend is over and you realize it's almost Monday again

19. But despite everything, you secretly think it's pretty cool being an adult

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