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Edwin Hubbell Chapin said,"No language can express the power, beauty, heroism, and majesty of a mother's love. It shrinks not where man cowers and grows stronger where man faints, and over wastes of worldly fortunes sends the radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star."

What makes a mother beautiful? Think about the mothers you know. What makes them so amazing? Is it how she looks, or the way she looks at her child? There is beauty in a mother comforting a child in the middle of the night, reading to her children, or kissing scraped knees. There is wonder in the way she can love her children unconditionally, wonder in how she lifts them up and stands by them, and in how she always knows what they need.

When we think of our own mothers we remember their beautiful daily acts; taking care of the family, listening to us as teenagers cry over a boy, or staying up late to be sure we have clean socks.

Beautiful mothers can be found everywhere. They are silent saints and soldiers marching onward to make the world a more beautiful place. They speak up for the rights of children. They work hard to protect families all over the world, even if they don't have a family or child of their own.

When you look in the mirror this morning and see dark circles under your eyes, look a little deeper. Find your inner beauty.

  • Instead of seeing wrinkles, see your wisdom from the experience you've gained.

  • Instead of seeing the extra 4 pounds from pregnancy, see your inner strength.

  • Instead of seeing the dark circles under your eyes, see the unconditional love you give your children.

  • Instead of seeing worn hands and callused feet, see the blessing of being able to work hard.

  • Instead of seeing your failures, see yourself the way God sees you, and find the strength to stand up and try again.

Mothers, when you look in the mirror see the beauty of unfailing and unconditional love you give on a daily basis. And when you pass a mother on the street, or in the store today - smile. A little love can go a long way. When you see a young mother rocking her baby to sleep while yawning, give her the encouragement she needs. As mothers, we do our best yet sometimes we are our worst critics. Start to see yourself the way your children do - as a beautiful amazing mother.

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