The only Oscar most kids know is one who lives in a garbage can on Sesame Street. But for this adorable family, "Oscar" means so much more.
For the last six years, the Storino family has been recreating the posters of films nominated for Academy Awards. Mom Maggie said that it's a fun tradition for her girls: "They love playing beauty shop with hair and makeup, raiding Dad's closet for costumes, and studying the stills." "It feels like a giant scavenger hunt where we search the neighborhood for props and scenery," she added.
But not only do the girls enjoy playing dress-up and building sets with scissors and gluesticks, but Maggie says that this is a great opportunity to teach her girls about deeper issues. As she got older, oldest daughter Sophia began asking questions about the movies.
"It was challenging to explain complicated films to toddlers, and sometimes I didn't do them justice. I doubt a movie about 'a solider who's sad' would have gotten an Oscar nomination, but American Sniper did," said Maggie. "They tried to talk in code after we discussed The Imitation Game. We took the Selma picture on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and it became an interesting way to teach the girls about Martin Luther King Jr. and his message."
Whether they're a great game or a teaching tool, these photos are pretty awesome.
See more on their Instagram Don't Call Me Oscar or their Tumblr.