I would say I'm a pretty committed Christian. Christianity is a huge part of who I am, and being a better Godly woman is something that I strive for literally every day. And yet, there are days when I seriously just don't care.

Days when I know I should pray, but I don't feel like it. Days when I know I should read my Bible, but I'm just not interested. Days when I should go to church, but seriously - can't I just stay home in my pajamas and do nothing for once??

Do you ever have days like this too?

I think we all do at times (at least - I hope it's not just me!). None of us are perfect, and we all fall short at times.

Thankfully, we don't have to stay there. If your relationship with God is feeling rather strained, distant or apathetic lately, here's what you need to do to fix it.

1. Identify your real feelings

First of all, you'll want to figure out exactly what you're actually feeling. Are you tired, burned out or stressed? Are you worried, distracted or unmotivated? Is it that you don't care at all, or that you do care but something is standing in your way?

Now, being honest and open enough to admit what is really going on with you may be uncomfortable, but the more honest, accurate and in-depth you can be with yourself, the better. You don't have to tell anyone else if you don't want to, but you need to be honest with yourself - even if you don't like what you uncover.

2. Look for potential causes

Once you've figured out where you are at emotionally, your next step is to try to figure out what is causing you to feel this way. Sometimes, this will be easy. You're tired because you have too much on your plate and your kids haven't been sleeping well lately. Or you're avoiding church because of a strained relationship with another church member you see regularly. Other times, figuring out the root of the issue may be a little more tricky to do.

If you are having trouble figuring out what is standing in your way, there are a few things you can try. Ask yourself if anything has changed in your life lately. Try to identify the exact times or situations that are causing you difficulty. Talk to a friend or family member who knows you well, who may be able to see a blind spot you are missing.

3. Find ways to overcome obstacles

Once you know what is standing in the way of your relationship with God, it's time to take action. Maybe you've been too busy lately, and you need to take some things off of your plate. Maybe you've been lazy, and you simply need to make quiet time with God a part of your routine. Maybe you've let sinful attitudes creep into your heart, and you need to take steps to cultivate the opposite attitude. Whatever it is-find a way to overcome it with God's help.

4. Pray

Of course, no one said that making these types of changes in your life is going to be easy. In fact, it will probably be very difficult-especially if you are truly committed to diving in and dealing with some yucky stuff. That's why you NEED to pray all throughout the process.

Pray that God gives you the insight to identify the things that are standing in your way. The wisdom to figure out what to do about it and the strength and courage to take the steps you need to take. That He will put the right people in your path to help you along the way and that you'll grow closer to Him as a result.

5. Obey Anyways

Perhaps you're feeling distant because God has asked you to do something that you really, really, really don't want to do.

Do it anyways.

It doesn't really matter what it is, why you don't want to do it or what excuses you can come up with"� God know more than you. Like, a lot more. If He says to do something-trust Him and do it. He knows what He's talking about.

Sure, you may not feel like it at first. That's okay. Obedience shouldn't be based on feeling, anyway, but knowledge. And I can almost guarantee that if you lead with obedience, your feelings will follow.

6. Cultivate a true relationship

Of course, as essential as obedience is, Christianity is a lot more than just following the rules and marking off a few check boxes. It's a relationship with the one and only Lord of the entire universe. It's a romance. It's an epic adventure.

So, yes, eliminate obstacles and obey and check off all those boxes, but never forget the real reason you're doing this in the first place: Because God is amazing and He deserves your all. And, as a bonus, when you're all in, it's pretty wonderful for you too.

How is your spiritual life going lately? Are you as passionate about God as you should be, or has your faith taken more of a backseat lately?

Editor's note: This article was originally published on Equipping Godly Women. It has been republished here with permission.

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