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The blood, sweat and tears I've put into starting my business are nothing compared to the sacrifices my spouse has made. I wouldn't have seen success without her unyielding support and encouragement.

Here's how a supportive spouse ensures an entrepreneur's success.

Teamwork from the beginning

When my wife and I decided we were going to go through this life together as a team, we had no idea what that would mean. After all, we were young (I was 21 and she was 23) and just didn't know what life was going to throw our way.

After being married for 13 years, we decided my skills were best used in a small business capacity. It seemed natural to start my own business from scratch. This is when my wife's support became essential.

Even though we lost the steady, reliable income from my previous job, she remained my rock when I started my business. She offered her opinions as we made the job transition, helped me make decisions about the direction the new business should take and stayed positive throughout the process, even during some pretty stressful times.

Schedule regular time to spend together to discuss plans and goals. Teamwork will be extremely valuable to your success from day one.

Support for the business

In order to grow in relationships and business, we must put in time, resources and a bit of love.

As a unit, we knew it was going to take effort on both of our parts to make this new business venture work.

The biggest contributor to my success during those grueling early days was having a second set of eyes and ears. I could rely on my wife to be there when I needed to vent or get some perspective.

Make an effort to keep your spouse regularly involved. Success will be directly measured by the amount of support and insight your spouse gives the business.

Stability at home

With all that goes into starting a business, one big thing still needs to be taken care of - the home.

My role as a father and husband will always trump my role as an entrepreneur, but I am fortunate my family has never forced me to choose one over the other. I can be successful in both my family and work lives because of my wife's support.

Whether it's greetings and hugs at the door after a long day or sitting down to my wife's famous chicken soup, she provides the magic touch that keeps me motivated and feeling secure.

Focus on love and respect for each other and for the family. Be intentional about creating time in your schedule for family activities and spending valuable time with your partner. If your home life is unstable, rest assured your business will soon falter.

Growth for the future

Our family and my business have been able to grow and flourish because of the love and support my spouse provides.

If you allow your spouse to be involved in your business, your entrepreneurial and family success will grow every day. You'll be able to give food, shelter, fun and love to your family.

Remember, a startup is a team effort. Behind the most successful small businesses are spouses who provide teamwork, support, stability and growth. Having a partner in business and life makes any dream possible.

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