You fall in love, get married, have a child together, but then fall out of love and get divorced. How do you both stay in your child's life and create memories together?

One woman came up with a unique plan after getting divorced from her husband- family photos of the three of them.

Victoria Baldwin and her ex-husband Adam Dyson decided to continue family pictures together with their four-year-old son, Bruce, even though they haven't been married for a couple of years, according to a KSL article.

The idea came to Baldwin because she says they share a bond because of their son. "We are not in love, we don't always agree, we're not best friends, sometimes we don't even like one another. But you know what we are? We are forever connected because of our beautiful, smart, kind, compassionate, funny son," she wrote in her Facebook post.

"The top two photos were taken when Adam and I were married. The bottom two, taken nearly one year and over two years...

Posted by Love What Matters on Monday, March 27, 2017

The family photos began while Baldwin was pregnant and have continued ever since. In fact, Baldwin said that when they bring someone else into their lives, they'll also be included in the photos. Baldwin feels the photos help Bruce deal with their separation.

As with any viral post, they've received both positive and negative feedback from the public. But Baldwin's photos and experiences are helping others in similar situations. "To know that I have positively impacted the lives of strangers, given them hope for their own future - it's truly humbling, and I'm proud to know we could make a positive impact!"

Separations and divorces are hard for everyone. When children are involved, it's vital to keep things at least amicable between both parents, who must work to co-parent to raise healthy, stable children. Children should never become pawns in a broken relationship.

No matter how the relationship ended, you must never talk badly about your ex-spouse to the children. This can cause them conflicting feelings and undue emotional stress because they love both parents. Negativity has no place in this situation.

No, you don't have to love your ex or even like them, but to be co-parents, you must find common ground- such as the mutual love of your children.

Perhaps try these activities to promote some normalcy for your children after divorce:

  • Family pictures like Baldwin and Dyson do.

  • Vacation together so the kids can enjoy both parents.

  • Family dinners regularly.

  • Get together for holidays so special time together doesn't have to be divided.

  • Attend school performances, sporting events, recitals and other important events in your child's life together.

If you and your child's parent are no longer together, what have you had success with for keeping your family together amid the breakup?

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