The mother-stepmother relationship is often turbulent, but this woman made a point to teach an important lesson to all women in a similar situation when she posted a photo of her daughter's stepmother.
The post got over 447,000 reactions and over 29,000 comments. In the post, Audrey Nicole said she appreciates the kindness and love that the stepmother demonstrates toward her daughter. She says that the stepmother is like another mother to her daughter.
She says
This is my daughter and her father's girlfriend. The sweetest thing ever!
I'm super thankful for her because when (my daughter) visits her dad, she feeds her, takes care of her, buys her gifts, and basically takes care of her like her own.
Why do all these moms act so spiteful and jealous towards the other women?? NO ONE said it was easy trying to be a mother to a kid you didn't have. So when there is someone trying, don't push them away!
Because they DON'T need the drama they WILL leave and then you're stuck with someone who is the evil-step mom. Yes they exist! I see them everywhere! A kid can have two moms because in my eyes, the more people that love her I'm happy!!!
I would never make her feel like an outsider - I'm extremely thankful for this girl < 3< 3< 3
Ladies, grow up and focus on being a good mom, not worrying about what's on your baby daddy's girlfriend's Facebook and Instagram while your kid is right next to you. Love more, hate less!!!
Many stepmothers were touched by this post and shared their experience
Kristie Goodson said, "Shelby Anne Ryan, you weren't this young when we met -you were 15 - but I always loved and still adore you like you are my own daughter. After all, the blood that runs through you also runs through my own children therefore that makes you mine too."
Danielle Fawcett said, "Love this so much!! I'm a step mum and my stepson is 14. He is a little star and I love him to bits (I secretly think he enjoys hanging with me more than his dad because I'm the cool one) his mum (and stepdad) have brought him up amazing and if I can bring my 2 year old up half as polite and caring as she has my 14 year old, I will be very proud xx"
Christina M. Bynaker Libby said, "What a beautiful and heartwarming post! I had the good fortune to have a "bonus mom" as I recently heard a stepmom referred to! I agree that she is one more person to love the child. I'm very close to mine and cherish my relationship with her! Keep up the good work and good example! Your daughter will love you even more for it!"
Thank you for sending a message of love to all mothers and stepmothers, Audrey Nicole!
Editor's note: Facebook comments have been edited for grammar and clarity.
This article was adapted and translated from the original, "Mulher posta mensagem impactante sobre madrasta de sua filha" It was originally published on familia.com.br.