Ever wanted to do something creative and hilarious as a prank? One woman did, and it turned out awesome.
The scenario: The woman has a guy friend who was interested in her girl friend. He asked for an embarrassing story about her friend so he could "flirt-tease" her about it. Struggling to think of any great stories, the woman instead paraphrased the plot to "The Sound of Music."
Such a crazy plot line when you put it like that
This story has to sound too outlandish to be real, but ..
He hasn't caught on yet
And he's totally buying the whole story
So funny
Are you starting to feel bad for him yet?
Still, no idea
This is getting even better, right?
Dropping an even bigger hint
Apparently he hasn't seen it in a while
"This. This is the best part."
If you had been in his shoes, would you have been able to figure out you were being duped?