Sometimes we settle. We want to be with someone or we buy into the voices that tell us we're being too picky and we end up in a relationship with someone that's not right for us.

Don't do it.

Stay single until you meet a man who keeps working to win your heart

He doesn't believe that getting you to go out with him is the hard part; he knows that keeping your love alive is the challenge.

Stay single until you meet a man who wants to bring you home to meet his parents

He's proud to be dating you and you're important to him and he's serious about the longevity of your relationship. Not only that, but he loves and respects his parents so he wants you to be a part of their lives, too.

Stay single until you meet a man who makes you the best version of yourself

When you're with him, you like you are. You're funnier, you're kinder, you're smarter. He brings out all the best pieces of you because he's the best version of himself around you as well.

Stay single until you meet a man who tells you he loves you

He doesn't just expect that you know it because you're dating and he kisses you. He loves you so much that he can't help but say it out loud.

Stay single until you meet a man who drops everything if you need him

He's the man who puts your needs first, over everyone else's (including his own).

Stay single until you meet a man who wraps his arms around you

He loves the feeling of you in his arms and you love being there.

Stay single until you meet a man who tells you his secrets

He values being emotionally close so he shares pieces of himself with you that he doesn't with anyone else.

Stay single until you meet a man that's worth sacrificing for

He doesn't make giving up your time, a goal or personal comfort easy, but he makes them worth it.

Stay single until you meet a man that makes grocery shopping fun

Being with him makes chores a delight.

Stay single until you meet a man who loves your mind

He thinks you're smart and wants to hear what's going on inside you.

Stay single until you meet a man who makes you feel beautiful

You deserve to feel attractive.

Stay single until you meet a man who is honest

He doesn't keep secrets, he doesn't play games. He's a man who has earned your full trust.

Stay single until you meet a man who asks for your advice

He respects your opinion, in fact, he craves it. He wants to make choices for his life that positively affect you as well.

Stay single until you meet a man who makes you not want to be single

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